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Coping With Legal Issues

When I started getting into trouble I became pretty acclimated to legal procedures. Calling my attorney and working out bail was just another way to spend a Saturday night. Unfortunately, the stiffer the charges, the more difficult it was to talk my way out of a bad situation. After so many charges, I found myself slapped with a long jail sentence, and I realized that I wanted to turn things around. Fortunately, my lawyer was able to walk me through yet another process, so that I could make the right changes. My blog discusses how to emotionally cope with legal issues so that you can start living a good life.



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Coping With Legal Issues

When Does Your Child Support End?

by Lillian Wheeler

Very often, one of the most controversial topics child custody attorneys negotiate is child support. As with most money-related matters, child support causes stress and unease on both sides. The paying parent often feels the court-ordered amount is too high, while the receiving parent feels it is too low. No matter if you are the parent paying or receiving the child support, you need a clear understanding of when your child support ends. The answer may not be as clear-cut as you think.

Will It End At Age 18?

If you are court-ordered to pay child support, you may assume it will end at age eighteen, as you have probably always heard. Eighteen is the age at which your child is legally an adult. But this magical birthday does not always end your child support payments. 

Child support orders will often continue as long as your child is in high school. While most children graduate somewhere around their eighteenth birthday, several things can prevent this from happening. Some of these delays include the following:

  • Starting school late
  • Late birthdays
  • Grade retentions
  • Multiple moves

If your child is still in high school, your child support order may continue beyond their 18th birthday. Many states may require you to continue to pay child support until one occurs.

  • Your child's graduation
  • Your child drops out of school
  • Your child stops regularly attending school
  • Your child ceases to make academic progress
  • Your child turns 20

Once any of these occur, you can return to child support court and request the court release you from your child support order. 

What Will Continue Support Beyond The Initial Requirement?

While many parents are court-ordered to pay child support, other parents can agree on child support payments, visitation, and custody orders. If you and your ex have entered into a separation agreement or a consent order, you may have agreed to continue support payments beyond what the court would have initially ordered.

You may agree to pay child support until your child graduates from college or achieves another predetermined milestone. These agreements are binding and will supersede the law. The arrangements will continue until one of you returns to court and files to amend the agreement.

You may also agree to continue supporting your child if they have any disability or special needs. You may continue to provide this payment to the custodial parent or make other support arrangements to ensure your child is taken care of. 

Visit a website like https://www.molnarlaw.com to learn more.
