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Coping With Legal Issues

When I started getting into trouble I became pretty acclimated to legal procedures. Calling my attorney and working out bail was just another way to spend a Saturday night. Unfortunately, the stiffer the charges, the more difficult it was to talk my way out of a bad situation. After so many charges, I found myself slapped with a long jail sentence, and I realized that I wanted to turn things around. Fortunately, my lawyer was able to walk me through yet another process, so that I could make the right changes. My blog discusses how to emotionally cope with legal issues so that you can start living a good life.



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Coping With Legal Issues


3 Ways To Prepare For A Potential Future Disability

Right now, if you are in good health, you might not be able to imagine what your life would be like if you had a disability. However, even just one small accident could change everything. You never know what could happen in the future, so it's a good idea to do what you can to prepare for anything that might occur. These are a few tips that can help you prepare for a potential future disability.

Don't Fall Prey To These Two Missteps During Divorce

Divorce can present multiple opportunities for all sorts of bad behavior, some of which could end up making your divorce spend a very long time being litigated. You can help make the process go smoother if you stay aware of your behavior during the fragile time period between your parting and the final decree if you do three things: 1. Seek the help and support of a divorce attorney and follow their guidance at all times and

Probate: As Easy As 1 2 3

While this word can be a bit intimidating to some, this legal method of dealing with estates can really be summed up in three easy steps. If you end up being the executor (also known as personal representative) of a will, you can assume those duties with confidence after learning about probate and how it works. 1. File the will Often, the will can be found in a safe location in the deceased's home, like a locked safe or firebox or just in a desk drawer.

Thinking Of Going Public With Your Company? Why You Need A Securities Attorney Before You Make That Move

 In today's market, many small business entrepreneurs have one ultimate goal in mind; to take their company public. Obtaining the ever-illusive IPO status means that your company has gone as far as it can as a private entity, and now it's time to get the public involved. If you've decided to take your company public, you'll need to do a lot of research before you take that final step. Unfortunately, if you don't know the legalities involved in IPOs, you could set yourself up for some serious problems.

Guidelines For Your Social Security Disability Case

Any time that you are facing a social security case, it's important that you take time out to find a lawyer that can serve you. You'll want to get the most professional service possible, since your ability to receive a payout will depend on it. For some tips and information on how to get the most out of your social security disability case, read on and follow these tips: File your claim as quickly as possible

Divorce Documents For Beginners

Most people don't go into the divorce process thinking about all the documentation they will eventually encounter, but it just so happens that you can get a great idea about what to expect by reviewing some of that paperwork ahead of time. You can deal far better with issues when you know about what to expect, so read on for a quick and easy primer on the main divorce documents to expect.

A Guide To Going Through Your Divorce

Whenever you need to get the most out of a divorce, the best thing you can do for yourself is come up with the right strategies. You'll be able to hire a lawyer, understand the landscape of legal issues and take care of yourself when going through the process. With these tips in mind, follow the points in this article and use the help of a legal professional that can assist you.

Pros And Cons Of Refusing Voluntary DUI Tests

When police officers flag you down on suspicion of DUI (driving under the influence), do you agree to the "voluntary" DUI tests or refuse them? People have opposing views on this issue. Therefore, it's best to know the pros and cons of the refusal so that you can make up your own mind on it. Here are two major reasons it may make sense to refuse the tests: The Prosecution Lacks Evidence

Getting Hurt On The Job: Things That Don't Count For Worker's Comp

Worker's compensation benefits exist for the purpose of creating financial stability for those injured and supplying money for medical expenses while you are out of work. However, there are several situations where your injuries are NOT covered by worker's comp, or your case is something other than workers comp. Consult with a workers compensation attorney, such as at Oxner + Permar, LLC. Broken Bones (from Fights with or Attacks by Co-Workers)

Prepare For Your Custody Hearing With These 3 Tips

A custody hearing may well be the most important court appearance you'll ever have, and you want to make sure that things go right. However, most people don't know what to expect when it comes to child custody hearings. They're different from other types of court hearings – there's no jury, only a judge, and the judge is less interested in which side is right or wrong than they are in what is in the best interest of the child.

3 Tips To Help You Effectively Communicate With Your Family Law Attorney

Whether you are getting a divorce or simply going through a child custody dispute, you are going to need to a hire a good family law attorney. There is one thing that is extremely beneficial when it comes to you and your attorney: good communication. Here are three tips to help ensure that you are communicating well with yours: 1. Don't Hesitate to Speak Up and Ask Questions. If you have never been involved in a legal case before, then you are not going to know how things "

Summer Driving Tips: How To Avoid An Accident With A Large Tractor-Trailer Truck

Every summer, hundreds of thousands of families hit the road for fun and memorable road trips. This creates additional traffic on the roads that drivers will have to be wary of. It also increases the chance for accidents along the way. Many of these accidents occur with large tractor-trailer trucks. The following are some things you can do to avoid any major accidents with a tractor-trailer truck: Provide Plenty of Space

Filing For Social Security Disability? Why You Should Hire An Attorney

Becoming disabled can be a very difficult experience.  You might have once been the kind of person who was constantly on the move, only to find yourself struggling to execute even the most rudimentary activities.  If your disability is severe enough you could find yourself unable to work.  It's at this point when you realize that you're going to need to file for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI).  However, getting disability isn't always a cut-and-dried experience and you should do everything in your power not to go the road alone.

When You Shouldn't Take A Personal Injury Case To Court

After you have become injured, you may feel that the situation in which you were injured is unfair and that you should be given compensation. However, if you do not have adequate grounds for a personal injury lawsuit, you may spend money on court costs and have nothing to show for it.  There Is No Defendant Injuries sometimes occur that have no defendant. For instance, if you are injured in a storm, there is no one to be held responsible.

Having A Child With A Woman You Are No Longer Dating? Legal Precautions To Take Now

When you are planning to have a baby but you aren't with the mother of your child, there are some details about the arrangement that you want to work out before the baby arrives. You don't want there to be any confusion, withholding of the child, legal issues or other concerns. You want to talk with a child custody lawyer so you can be sure that you get all of your paternal rights, and so you are able to be there for the child the way that you want to be.

3 Facts To Know About Your First DUI Driving Offense

It was an extra glass of wine at dinner or that one extra beer you had at the bar. Maybe you didn't give yourself enough time to sleep after drinking the night before. If you are found to be driving under the influence, it doesn't always mean that you are someone who set out to intentionally drive when you knew you were inebriated. The fact is, a lot of people land a DUI merely because of a blip in their own judgement of how much alcohol is too much or when alcohol should be out of their system.

Why You Should Have A Professional Prepare Your Income Taxes For You

Even if you have completed your own income tax return in the past, it might be time to consider the benefits that would come with having a professional do them for you next time. To help you get a better understanding of how helpful a skilled income tax preparation expert can be, you will want to review the following information. The Cost Of Their Service May Be Deductible One of the main things that holds a lot of people back from obtaining the services of an experienced tax specialist is that they are concerned about the cost.

Claiming Physical Pain And Suffering With Your Personal Injury Claim? Here's How You Can Help Prove It

Physical injuries are easy enough to see and document that they don't take much work to prove in court when you are in the middle of a personal injury claim. However, when you are suffering from ongoing pain and suffering related to your accident or injuries, this is not something that a judge or jury can easily see. The fact is, if you are claiming physical pain and suffering as part of your personal injury claim, you have to do what you can to ensure this part of your injury is documented.

Media Law Myths That Can Create Problems For Your Enterprise

Starting a modern business will likely require you to use a comprehensive media marketing campaign in order to grow the enterprise. Unfortunately, media laws are highly complicated, and this can make it very difficult for a business leader to make reasonable or informed choices. More precisely, there is some misinformation about media law that can lead to business leaders inadvertently increasing their liability. Myth: There Is No Real Risk For Violating Copyright Laws

What To Do If You Experience A Slip And Fall Accident

Did you know there are certain steps you should take if you slip and fall on ice? It is not always possible to avoid walking on ice, especially if certain people in the neighborhood have neglected the sidewalk and did not shovel properly. If you end up falling down and injuring yourself because you slipped on ice, it is important to know what to do in the aftermath of it all.

File Now Or Later? When Timing Matters In A Bankruptcy

If it's become clear that you need to consider bankruptcy, you may have had one of two reactions. On the one hand, you may want to treat it like ripping off a bandage — the sooner you get it over with, the better. On the other hand, your instinct may be to put it off and hope the situation eventually resolves itself. However, deciding exactly when to file bankruptcy shouldn't depend on how you feel about the bankruptcy, but on whether it makes strategic financial sense to file now or wait a while longer.

Exposing Some Myths About Product Liability Lawsuits

When you purchase a product, you expect that product to be safe and free of defects. Unfortunately, it is a reality that there can be instances where products your purchase are dangerous and result in personal injuries. If you find yourself having been injured by a product, there are some important misconceptions that you should have corrected. Myth: Any Product Liability Case Will Result Turn Into A Class Action Case

2 Tools An Officer Can Use To Tell If You Were Driving While Impaired

Operating a motor vehicle requires a significant amount of focus and care. Driving while impaired can affect your ability to safely operate your vehicle, causing you to become a public safety hazard. Law enforcement officers have a number of ways to determine if you are impaired while behind the wheel, and understanding these diagnostic methods is critical when it comes to successfully navigating a DUI or DWI charge. Here are two tools an officer can use to tell if you are driving while impaired.

Three Ways To Keep Your Business In Good Legal Standing

No matter what sort of business landscape or industry you work within, you'll need to always know that you are protecting your company from a legal perspective. This is a world in which lawsuits are common and businesses are growing and dying left and right. Having a solid, professional commercial attorney in place is the shield that you need to weather the potential chaos of owning a business. To this end, make sure that you read below and apply these tips to make the most out of your business legal needs.

Child Disabilities, Evaluation, And Your Rights

If you have recently learned that you have a child with special needs, then your son or daughter may need to take special education classes. This may send you into a panic about the educational future of your child. While you are right to be concerned, especially if you simply want the best education for your child, you should know that there are federal regulations set up to help your child.

Divorce And The Family Pet: How To Make Pet Arrangements

When couples divorce, many decisions are made. Deciding who gets what property, custody arrangements, and finances are among the top things that are handled in the court. However, one thing that is important that can often be overlooked is the subject of the family pet. In most states, pets are considered property and will have to be handled in the same manner. The family pet can be a vulnerable topic when it comes to who will take it, and an attorney is very often utilized to help work out the details.

Injured In A Slip-And-Fall: 4 Things To Do Right Away

Slip-and-fall accidents can occur just about anywhere: at work, at your local grocery store, or even on an outdoor walkway. If you are ever injured in a slip-and-fall accident that you believe occurred because of somebody else's negligence, then you may be entitled to seek damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and other related expenses. However, there are some important steps you should take immediately after the incident to ensure the best chances of financial recovery.

Are You The Victim Of Workplace Discrimination? 4 Steps You Should Take To Get The Help You Need

Working in a toxic environment can be difficult. It's even more difficult when that toxic environment involves outright discrimination and harassment. If you're the victim of workplace discrimination or harassment, you don't have to take it. Help is available to you. Here are four steps you should take if you're being discriminated against at work. Keep a Journal It can be difficult to remember important details when you're being subjected to attacks at work.

Court Reporters: 4 Editing Tips To Help With Your Document Accuracy

Paying attention to detail is something that court reporters must do. It is a characteristic that is valued. Without this characteristic, court reporters would be unable to produce coherent and accurate transcripts for their clients. Therefore, it is imperative that you, as a court reporter, are able to edit your documents properly and thoroughly. Meticulousness can help bolster you in the court reporting community as a competent and worthy reporter. Here are four editing tips that will help you with your document accuracy: 

Overcoming The Deadlift Denial On A Worker's Compensation Claim

Being injured on the job is something those involved in physical professions fear immensely. A construction worker, for example, does not want to be sidelined with a serious injury and be out of work for an extended period of time. Even with workers compensation payments, a construction professional is going to see a decline in monthly revenue. One way to avoid injuries is to strengthen the body. Working out hard in the gym definitely builds up the strength needed for lifting and moving heavy items.

Pursuing an Open Water Charter Boat Accident Lawsuit

People who have suffered personal injuries while riding on a charter boat deserve to be compensated for their injuries. However, it can be hard to pursue these cases successfully. It requires understanding open water accidents and how to prove negligence and liability in the boat driver or owner. Charter Boats Can Be Dangerous While charter boats can be a fun way to get out on a lake or ocean, they can also be problematic.

3 Steps An Attorney Will Help You With When Renting Your House

If you do not have a lot of equity in your home but need to move out of it for any reason, you might be considering renting it out. Renting a home is a great option in many situations, but it also results in you becoming a landlord. If you have never been involved with rental properties before, it will be wise to seek help from a real estate attorney. The attorney you hire will help you with multiple things, including the following three steps.

Hire An Experienced Divorce Attorney To Represent You When You Decide To End Your Marriage

Ideally when a couple gets married, the feeling is that their marriage will last forever. So it's highly unlikely that the individuals went into their marriage knowing that it would likely end in a divorce. Feuds and all kinds of disagreements could arise over time, which ultimately makes them decide to dissolve their marriage. When based upon your disagreements you decide to end the marriage, the first thing you should do is hire a divorce attorney from a place like Ritter & LeClere APC Attorneys At Law to represent you.

3 Things You Should Know Before Applying For Disability Benefits

There are many people who experience some sort of accident, or tragedy so that they are no longer able to work anymore. In this case, they might need disability benefits. These are benefits from the government that are given to people who are considered disabled and unable to work. Although many people receive these benefits, there are strict rules that must be adhered to in order to receive the benefits. Here are some things you need to know about receiving these benefits.

Three Situations In Which You May Qualify For Loss Of Earnings Benefits As Part Of Your Workers Compensation Settlement

Most states have laws that require workers' compensation insurance companies to compensate accident victims whose injuries cause loss of earnings. If your state has such a provision, then you may be able to get the benefits under these conditions (among others): You Have Returned to Work at A Lower Wage There are many reasons a worker may be paid lower earnings after an injury. For example, you may not qualify for full earnings if you haven't healed completely and can't work at your pre-injury rate.

Can You Prevent A Wage Garnishment?

Wage garnishment can make it challenging for you to meet your financial obligations each month. Ideally, you should take action before the garnishment is ordered to prevent it. If not, there are still some steps you can take to potentially stop the garnishment after it has started. To help you explore your options, here are some steps you can take before and after the garnishment to prevent the deductions.   Communicate With the Creditor 

4 Things You Should Never Do While Going Through A Divorce

There is no doubt that going through a divorce can be incredibly difficult and the process can bring out feelings of anger and sadness in the parties involved. But your actions during a divorce can play a big role in how smoothly the divorce process goes. Acting out of anger and spite often backfires and can just cause problems in the long run. If you're planning to get divorced soon, avoid doing the following:

How to Understand a Separation Agreement

When a marriage has broken down, you might think of separating and potentially divorcing their spouse. While it isn't always necessary to have one written up, you can create an agreement of separation to determine how certain financial obligations will be divided during this time. This agreement can be similar to a divorce decree, except that you are still married, and many couples do get back together and it doesn't always lead to a divorce.

4 Consequences of Not Preparing a Will

Thinking about the end of your life and drafting a will may not be the most uplifting activities, but they are necessary if you want to provide financial safeguards to your loved ones in case you pass away unexpectedly. Since it is impossible to predict when you will die, it is important to bite the bullet and prepare a will if you have not done so already. It is also a good idea to keep your will current if there are major changes in your personal relationships or financial status.

Is a Living Will Right for You?

Everyone should plan for the future. Not only should you plan for your retirement, you should also plan for what comes after. There are different ways that you can go about that. One is to create a will. Another is to create a living trust. Most people are familiar with a will, but not everyone is familiar with what a living trust is.  What Is a Living Trust? There are a lot of different kinds of trust.

Is The Seller Automatically Entitled To Earnest Money If The Homebuyer Backs Out?

When you accept an offer on your home, it is with the expectation that it will result in the home being sold. Unfortunately, the buyer has to sometimes back out of the purchase of a home. When this happens, you could possibly keep the buyer's earnest money as compensation for cancellation of the contract. If you are selling your home, here is what you need to know about keeping the buyer's deposit.

Workplace Injuries: 3 Ways To Know If An Attorney Is Necessary For Handling Your Claim

You've worked hard for your company, and getting injured was not in your career plans. Yet, you assumed that your employer would do the right thing. After all, laws are in place to make sure that proper protocols are followed for handling worker's compensation claims. Unfortunately, you can't help but feel that you are the only one playing by the rules. As you seek compensation for your lost wages and medical care, ask yourself these questions to determine if it is time to seek qualified representation for handling your case.